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Saturday, November 26, 2011


A new model, with a back-story.

I had a shoot scheduled with my favorite model, Brandon. (Sunday, September 18, 2011)  He called an hour before to say he had a conflict and couldn't make it, but he had a friend who wanted to sub for him.  He had never posed before, but he really wanted the experience.  Since I was already set up, I agreed.

The model, who I will call "David", because that is his name, showed up about a half-hour late - a sign of things to come.  As I recall, it was March, and still a little chilly, but David was wearing a plaid flannel shirt, long-sleeved, buttoned to the wrist and the neck.  Not a good sign.

I attempted to warm him up with a series of clothed head shots, and after a few of these I suggested that maybe he could unbutton the top two or three buttons of his shirt.  He reluctantly complied, only to reveal another shirt - this time a long-sleeved rugby - underneath, also buttoned to the top button.

It took me about half an hour to get his clothes off, and even then I had to practically pry off his socks.  (He was self-conscious about his feet.)

Things weren't going well.  He was tall - a little under six feet - and well but not over muscled.  A nice body.  But his face, although attractive, was contorted in a mask of what can only be described as sheer terror.

I tried every trick I could think of to put him at his ease, but nothing worked.

Finally, after nearly an hour, I just gave up and turned him around.  The result is this image, which is one of my favorites.

MORAL:  Keep shooting.

I have worked with David now for four years, and it's still a struggle every time, but there will be other images of him.  Some will be surprising.

Shot with digital with a one-light set-up, sepia toned.

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